Surrounding the island
There’s sea.
But what sea?
It’s always overflowing.
Says yes,
Then no,
Then no again,
And no,
Says yes
In blue
In sea spray
Says no
And no again.
It can’t be still.
It stammers
My name is sea.
It slaps the rocks
And when they aren’t convinced,
Strokes them
And soaks them
And smothers them with kisses.
With seven green tongues
Of seven green dogs
Or seven green tigers
Or seven green seas,
Beating its chest,
Stammering its name,
Oh Sea,
This is your name.
Oh comrade ocean,
Don’t waste time
Or water
Getting so upset
Help us instead.
We are meager fishermen,
Men from the shore
Who are hungry and cold
And you’re our foe.
Don’t beat so hard,
Don’t shout so loud,
Open your green coffers,
Place gifts of silver in our hands.
Give us this day
our daily fish.
The Earth wherein we Men live in is only contained in the Solar System, which is a part of the Solar Interstellar Neighborhood, which is found in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of the Local Galactic Group, which is in the Virgo Supercluster, which is only one of the Local Superclusters. All of these are inside the ‘Observable’ Universe. Imagine how much vast existence is beyond what we are and where we live. Yet, we still treat ourselves as the Superiors, as if we rule everything, as if we own not only the World, as if we are the Kings and Queens of universe, as if we have the power to be truly the conquerors, as if we have the right to every riches in the universe.
What is the reason why people find it hard to believe in the existence of the Loch Ness monster? What is the reason why men abuse their environment as if they could provide for themselves without it? What is the reason why men reckon that they have the capability to save it from the damage they have caused it? What is the reason why humans are afraid of the notion of the ‘End of the World’, thinking it will be the end of life itself? What is the reason why aliens are always portrayed as much more intelligent but bad beings in the movies produced today? What is the reason why people fear the unpredictable but inevitable coming of their end, Death? What is the reason why many are frightened about the concept of a God, or a Superior Being?
When there is something beyond our control, we treat it as our competitor or foe. We are so limited to the notion that we are the only powerful ones in this Universe, probably because of our ability to reason out, that in contrary, it makes us closed-minded which leads us to our very own ignorance. And it is this ignorance that leads us to our own destruction.
We try so hard to take control of everything without having considered thinking about things that are greater than us. As one would see, our ability of reason has not only given us enough greatness; we thought too much of this greatness that we think we possess more than we really do. And this is exactly the ignorance which ruins us. Why is it that we cannot accept the fact that not everything is in our control, for it is not we who possess the infinite greatness and power to have the right to act with the proudness we have now.